Student Life
Cloonan Middle School recognizes that in our diverse community, each child is an individual and has an inherent capacity for learning. Cloonan's mission is to create a safe and nurturing environment of learning excellence for early adolescents in which all stakeholders work as partners to equip students with the knowledge, skills, character, compassion, confidence and desire to build successful lives and communities.
We encourage students to develop healthy habits of mind, body, and heart. In addition, we have a robust mentoring program, featuring SPEF Volunteers, West Point Cadets and UConn students. We believe that youth can impact the world right now, both globally and locally. Our students explore and develop new interests, learn leadership skills, and learn how to positively impact his or her community, including everything from supporting pet shelters to fundraising for infant cardiac surgery, to KIVA Club which provides micro loans for individuals in developing nations. Building-wide initiatives include our Charity DodgeBall tournaments and penny wars.
Link to Parent/ Student Handbook: